Electric parks, self-consumption and energy communities

Electric parks, self-consumption and energy communities

Sizing, optimal operation management and predictive maintenance

Clean energy

Electric parks, self-consumption and energy communities

What does it solve?

Distributed generation, self-consumption systems and energy communities have brought about a paradigm shift in the energy system, diversifying the actors involved and increasing the complexity of the plants. The competitiveness of these new models depends on correct sizing and optimal management of operation and maintenance.

Advantages and benefits

At ITA, we combine our expertise in energy systems, electrical and thermal, and AI technologies to characterize consumption, design generation plants and storage systems, and make a optimal integration to maximize profitability of self-consumption and energy communities, both domestic and industrial, including virtual communities.

Efficient management of plant operation and maintenance is based on integrated, accessible and user-friendly monitoring, which makes it possible to know the key parameters and detect malfunctions. ITA’s experience in IoT and AI allows us to support the development of sensorization and monitoring systems for power plants.

Based on these measurements and through simulation models that may be based on physical phenomena and/or experimental data, it is possible to predict the operation or failure of the systems. ITA’s experience in the development of real-time models also allows us to prescribe recommendations to make the leap to predictive maintenance.

Maintenance in power generation plants sometimes involves repetitive, physically demanding or risky activities. The use of robots and drones facilitates the inspection of large plants or locations that are difficult to access and supports maintenance work. ITA’s expertise in sensing, navigation and mapping systems, and collaborative robotics allows us to develop robots and drones for inspection and maintenance of energy infrastructures to obtain data quickly and easily, reduce maintenance and downtime, and increase people’s safety.

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