Digital twin for intelligent planning and management of mobility services

Digital twin for intelligent planning and management of mobility services

Planning and management of passenger and freight mobility services

Sustainable mobility

Digital twin for intelligent planning and management of mobility services

What does it solve?

Transport operations are responsible for 25% of CO2 emissions in Spain, making it a challenge that must be addressed as a priority by the sector. From ITA, committed to the environment, we work on solutions for the management and optimization of routes, cargo, transport planning, with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint.

Advantages and benefits

The application of Industry 4.0 technologies allows a more competitive, flexible and dynamic mobility, reduces costs and also allows to adapt quickly and efficiently to changing customer demands.

The use of technologies such as Digital Twin accompanied by IoT solutions, BigData and Artificial Intelligence are key in this process of digitization of the management of transport of people and goods.
The digital twin is a digital replica of the actual products or processes. In this case it is based on models created on a computer that represent the behavior of the main characteristics of the real world in terms of mobility.

Improve your mobility operations, allowing you to accurately measure the impacts of new planning or changes in advance, providing a common vision of the new operation. Its operation can be offline, to analyze different strategies or scenarios; or also online, connecting to real-time operations to assist in decision making.

Among the benefits will be:

  • Validate new strategies or test service planning.
  • Stress a system with higher frequency, shifts, more vehicles, etc. to identify bottlenecks.
  • Perform what if scenarios with reduction or extension of new vehicles, shifts, trips, dynamic distribution, etc.

Success stories

We digitize and simulate route management, loading and transport planning.

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