The MIDAS project aims at designing and building a framework for integrated for SOA test automation, which will be available as a Software as a Service (SaaS) in a cloud infrastructure and that covers all testing activities: test generation, execution, evaluation and programming, in the functional, interaction, fault-tolerance, safety and testing aspects based on the use. MIDAS focuses on SOA testing, i.e., the testing of black box of individual services and in gray box testing of service architectures. Test methods and technologies that are investigated and prototyped in the project are beyond the state of the of the art, particularly in model-based testing, the control model of the choreographies for sound interaction test scenarios, fuzzing for security testing, usage-based testing, the probabilistic inference reasoning regarding the evaluation of testing and programming.

Partners: Under the coordination of the Italian company Dedalus, the project involves Italian, French, Slovak and German companies, research centers and universities and, on the Spanish side, the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón.

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