Smart packaging

Smart packging

Digital Agribusiness

Smart packging

What does it solve?

Consumers have changed their habits, health care and lifestyles. Quality plays an important role, so it is necessary to develop new active and intelligent packaging that allows the product to be preserved in better conditions and provides information to the user regarding its condition.

Advantages and benefits

We develop solutions for packaging design, using sustainable materials. We get involved in the process of design, development and application of bio-based materials (non-fossil sources) together with the companies, as well as carry out studies to select the materials, formulation / compounding for property improvement , characterization and functionalization for the application (e.g. polymeric, composite, cellulosic materials) according to their needs.

We carry out studies for the introduction of recycled materials in production flows, and for the use of production rejects and/or end-of-life materials for the manufacture of new products. We perform the characterization of physical-mechanical-chemical properties and processability to determine characteristics and possible applications, recycling percentages, number of cycles, etc.

We develop application-oriented, intelligent and/or multifunctional materials , eco-sustainable from the design stage, aimed at improving their performance, extending their service life and reducing components by integrating functions. In addition, we carry out transport simulation tests to reproduce loads on the product and its packaging. We have a certified laboratory for testing under ISTA standards, Amazon standard.

Value proposition: Development of new active and intelligent packaging to preserve the product in better conditions and provide information to the user regarding its condition. IoT and Blockchain technologies applied to traceability allow for increased security and consumer information.

Success stories

We develop the most advanced packaging for your products.

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