Mobile and autonomous robotics and sensing systems

Mobile and autonomous robotics and sensing systems

Efficient and circular industry

Mobile and autonomous robotics and sensing systems

What does it solve?

This solution encompasses the development of technology for vehicle robotization, arms that manipulate objects, and cognitive systems for multi-robot collaboration and intelligent, autonomous decision making.

Advantages and benefits

The application of these robotic technologies covers the different phases of development of a system, a machine or an autonomous vehicle. From operator assistance, through remote control and teleoperation, to full automation.

  • Robot operated: Traditional operation from the machine cabin.
  • Remote control: The operator uses line of sight and a remote control to control the machine from a safe distance.
  • Teleoperated robot: Cameras, sensors and control systems allow the machine to be operated from a remote location.
  • Autonomous robot: The operator directs and supervises the activity of one or more machines to which he assigns tasks.
  • Collaborative robots: Robots that work human-robot or between robots.

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