The Department of Science, Technology and University of the Government of Aragon undertakes the initiative, through its Directorate General of Research, Development and Innovation, to launch the Aragonese R&D&I Observatory.

Its mission and most notable added value is perhaps, facilitate research on the state and evolution of regional R&D&I. in terms comparable to our environment, grouping and producing significant indicators, to adequately inform stakeholders and and, as far as possible, to enable the development of the analysis of causes and trends in some key development issues of our Community.

Despite the quality and variety of sources of information on R&D&I, the dispersion of the agents involved, the lack of consensus in the concepts to be reflected, their scope, measurement parameters, etc.., limit in part the rigor and precision of the data and their applicability. However, having an overall view of the situation with information reliable and up-to-date information is of enormous interest, whatever the level, for the design and implementation of actions, development strategies or policies that are truly effective and, obviously, for evaluation.

The project aims to:

  • Identify and inform about the actors participating in the System. C-T-E of cooperative, synergetic relationships between them, the investment efforts and R&D&I activity, or scientific output and technical,

  • Integrate, analyze and interpret reality to reduce uncertainty in decision making.
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