This reciprocating motion equipment with force and torque recording on three shafts, with or without lubrication and with temperature is capable of reproducing, among other physical parameters, the real friction and wear behavior of two parts in contact with each other under service conditions, allowing for the selection and optimization of new material solutions, without the need to manufacture prototypes to scale. complete.

See consists of two fundamental parts, a differential unit with 1.5m of linear travel and a control system capable of regulating both the loads in The test speed is a function of the surface area of the materials.

In addition the system is located in a climatic chamber, which allows the control of the temperature and humidity and ensuring the robustness of the results. obtained in materials sensitive to these parameters.

Both the equipment as well as its control system make the equipment present important advantages over other equipment on the market, such as: flexibility, speed, quality of the results, possibilities of customization and adjustment, and combination possibilities with other tests.

It is an equipment of high interest for any company that needs to perform life cycle studies on any type of material.

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The valorization of the R&D results generated by ITAINNOVA is 50% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Aragon ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020.

“Building Europe from Aragon”.
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

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