Mediterranean Open REsourCes for Social Innovation of SocialLly ReponsIve ENTerprises. Framework of activities related to the use of Mediterranean open resources for the innovation of socially responsible enterprises.


+ RESILIENT brings together a 4-helix consortium of 8 MED countries to address the need for innovation leading to greater socially responsible competitiveness of SMEs and stimulating new jobs, especially for companies operating in the social economy.

Its objective is to promote a process of policy change at the regional level in the areas involved, which will result in the integration of successful elements in the new cohesion policy (EU2020+).

The overall objective is to positively influence, adapt / change the different structural elements of the policy governing “socially responsive and responsive clusters” (SVRC) by leveraging technology-led innovation dynamics, open data and successful models with social relevance and impact, creating socially responsive value chains at a transnational level.

SVRCs are usually codified only at the local level, so the project addresses the transnational dimension as a networking and capacity building approach to achieve critical mass, increase horizontal opportunities for SMEs, mobility, employability and expand cohesion policy and funds.

It is an integrated project that establishes a structural approach for the improvement of policies and practices of emerging dynamics in social innovation through a global process based on the intertwined use of open data and the creation of a socially sensitive transnational value chain. This includes the study of existing initiatives, adaptation and testing, with the ultimate goal of capitalizing on them in the MED area.


Veneto Region (VR) – Lead Project Partner

Aix-Marseille University (AMU) – France

Region of East Macedonia and Thrace (REMTH) – Greece

Treviso and Belluno Chamber of Commerce (CCIAA Treviso – Belluno) – Italy

Aragon Institute of Technology (ITAINNOVA) – Spain

Greek Free Open Source Software Society (GFOSS) – Greece

Barcelona Activa SA SPM (BA) – Spain / Catalonia

Open Univesity of Catalonia (UOC) – Spain / Catalonia

Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development – Croatia

Region of Istria – Croatia

RCDI – Development and Innovation Network (RCDI) – Portugal

Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities PRIZMA (Fundacija PRIZMA) – Slovenia

National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) – ANCI

Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania (UCCIAL) – Albania


European Regional Development Funds (ERDF). Priority axis 1: Promotion of innovation capabilities for a more competitive area.

IP 1b: Promote business investment in R&D, developing linkages and synergies between companies, R&D centers and the higher education sector, promoting in particular investment in product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovation, utility applications, demand stimulation, networking, clustering and open innovation through smart specialization, and support for technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced manufacturing and first production capabilities, in particular in key enabling technologies and diffusion of general-purpose technologies.

Specific Objective 1.1: Strengthen cooperation among key actors to promote knowledge transfer and innovative activities in key sectors of the area.


  • Total bankable budget of the project: 278,529.80 €.
  • Total bankable budget of the project: 278,529.80 €.


  • Amount financed to ITAINNOVA: 211,257.30 €.

Project co-financied by the European Regional Development Fund

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