Grants for the maintenance of Scientific Equipment ITAINNOVA 2018


Aids for the maintenance and calibration of SERVOSIS Benchtop and EMC Measurement Systems.

Building Europe from Aragon


Description: Equipment for R&D in mechatronics product and equipment for the electromagnetic characterization of electrical/electronic systems complexes.

Docket no: EQ/018/2018; EQ/019/2018; EQ/062/2018; EQ/063/2018;

Award date: 10/30/2018

Date of execution: 01/01/2018 – 10/30/2018


Maintenance and calibration of scientific and technical equipment belonging to the centralized service of laboratories of the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITAINNOVA Labs). Specifically, the equipment included are:

Equipment 1: SERVOSIS bench;

Equipment 2: Electromagnetic field immunity measurement system;

Equipment 3: System for measuring low frequency conducted disturbances;

Equipment 4: Radiated emission system.




ORDER IIU/1106/2018, of June 15, by which grants are announced for. the repair, maintenance and overhaul of equipment and scientific research centers and organizations in the Community. Autonomous Region of Aragon for the year 2018, co-financed with the Program Operational ERDF Aragon 2014-2020.


SERVOSIS bench maintenance: 8.535,00 €.

Calibration of the electromagnetic field immunity measurement system: 3.550,00 €.

Calibration of low frequency conducted disturbance measurement system: 2.810,00 € 2.810,00

Calibration of radiated emission system based on ETS-LINDGREN antennas: 2.865,00 €.


SERVOSIS bench maintenance: 6.828,00 €.

Calibration of the electromagnetic field immunity measurement system: 2.840,00 € 2.840,00

Calibration of the measurement system for low frequency conducted disturbances: 2.248,00 €.

Calibration of radiated emissions system based on ETS-LINDGREN antennas: 2.292,00 €.


Department of Innovation, Research and University of the Government of Aragon in the framework of the call for grants for the repair, maintenance and overhaul of scientific equipment of the research centers and organizations of the Autonomous Community of Aragon for the year 2018 co-financed with the Operational Program ERDF Aragon 2014-2020.

Building Europe from Aragon

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

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