General project data

  • Description: The objective of the project is to design, developing, testing, validating, exploiting and disseminating materials training in the mechanical engineering, metal and metallurgy sector.
  • File number: 2016-2-RO01-KA205-024926.
  • Date of award: 12/11/2015.
  • Dates of execution: 01/11/2016 – 30/04/2018.

Presentation and objectives

The overall objective of the project is to promote entrepreneurship in the New Technologies sector, through the training of young people and the development of new with an entrepreneurial spirit, in ICT skills and knowledge (software development), thereby contributing to the development of the entrepreneurship and the creation of new jobs. Specific objectives:

  • Develop an accelerated open innovation program (Open Innovation Lab). to train young people in skills and knowledge, and to provide them with the in software development, and in the field of entrepreneurship.
  • To train 300 people in the field of new technologies and entrepreneurship.
  • To create an online mentoring platform for young people that need support and assistance in the development of their business ideas in the new technologies, or enter the labor market in the new technologies, or join the labor market in the IT industry.
  • Establish 40 mentoring relationships between young people and mentors from the IT industry.

The target group of the project are unemployed young people, potential unemployed and entrepreneurs, public and educational organizations, non-profit organizations and and the business sector. The Learning Lab is based on three pillars:

  • Programming in different languages, game development, etc., and entrepreneurship (communication skills, etc.).
  • Experience through practical training in real company projects.
  • Innovative learning methodologies such as gamification, open education tools or online learning.

Participating entities

The MODCOMP project has 17 partners from different countries. European countries: Spain, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Belgium and Sweden. Among them, those who collaborate with ITAINNOVA in the field of computer simulation are:

  • Centrul de Excelenta Academica (Bulgaria).
  • ISource DOO – Former Yugoslav Republic (Macedonia).
  • Institute of Entrepreneurship Development IED (Greece).
  • University of Portucalense Infanta S.Henrique -Cooperativa de Ensino Superior CRL (Portugal).
  • Zavod Nefiks Institut za Promocijo in Belenzenje Neformarlno Pridobljenega Znanja (Slovenia).
  • Gmina Kielce/Kielecki Park Technologiczny (Poland).
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón, ITAINNOVA (Spain).

Call for applications

Erasmus+ Program.


  • Total bankable budget of the project: 110,225 .
  • ITAINNOVA’s bankable budget: 16,070 .


  • Total project grant: 109,100.00 .
  • Grant to ITAINNOVA: 16,070 .

This project has received funding from the European Union through the Erasmus+ Program.

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