New consumption needs

The project, CONOCE, addresses the challenge of the innovation process in food, with the aim of improving the success rate of new product launches and ensuring a more efficient and sustainable innovation process.

Digital Agribusiness
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The CONOCE project will delve into all stages of the process by incorporating disruptive and neuromarketing technologies: from concept creation, design and product evaluation to product launch in the chosen sales channel.

For Aldelís, this project is fully aligned with the company’s policy and values. In this sense, they affirm that “innovation is part of our tradition and our business culture as a mechanism for creating value. In addition, being able to incorporate new disruptive technologies and neuromarketing techniques will allow us to update and optimize our R&D&I process and guarantee the success of our launches, always keeping the consumer at the center of our entire process”. For this objective, among others, Big Data tools will be used to understand market needs, and different food development strategies will be addressed such as the reduction of preservatives and other ingredients to achieve clean labels as well as the incorporation of vegetable protein for vegetarian or flexitarian market niches.


ITA’s contribution will focus on detecting customer needs and determining the degree of consumer acceptance of new products.

To this end, ITA will provide its knowledge applied to the analysis of social networks (Twitter, Facebook, specialized web portals, company’s own documentation, etc.). Together with the project managers of Aves Nobles y Derivados, S.L., ITA will define the models of knowledge of social network users and their interests that will be used to identify and evolve profiles of potential consumers, the products in which they are interested and new needs to determine the characteristics of new products and, once launched on the market, their acceptance and opportunities for improvement.

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